Is the digital world a limitless and infinite space as we imagine, or will our abusive and uncontemplated use of digital space eventually hit its brink? Will future generations look back at us as reckless and ignorant? They would say we were abusing a resource that we so little understood.

Just as we are trying to piece back and turn back the clock on the environmental damage caused by older generations there is a chance our digital practices may be unsustainable. Our physical world is on its way to becoming uninhabitable for our species, and I wonder, what might the digital world look like in its apocalypse, where it faces a similar fate?

If the initial thought is true and this space holds no limitations, how do we define it?
This truth would mean we are facing a world of unimaginable possibilities. There is no way we are taking full advantage of what it has to offer. What would be our best way to make the most of this space and what different vessels can we use to navigate it?